Affine Warp

Functions to apply affine transformations on 2D images.

enum augpy::WarpScaleMode

Enum whether to scale relative to the shortest or longest side of the image.



Scaling is relative to the shortest side of the image.


Scaling is relative to the longest side of the image.

int augpy::make_affine_matrix(py::buffer out, size_t source_height, size_t source_width, size_t target_height, size_t target_width, float angle, float scale, float aspect, float shifty, float shiftx, float sheary, float shearx, bool hmirror, bool vmirror, WarpScaleMode scale_mode, int max_supersampling)

Create a \(2 \times 3\) matrix for a set of affine transformations. This matrix is compatible with the warpAffine function of OpenCV with the WARP_INVERSE_MAP flag set.

Transforms are applied in the following order:

  1. shear

  2. scale & aspect ratio

  3. horizontal & vertical mirror

  4. rotation

  5. horizontal & vertical shift


recommended supersampling factor for the warp

  • out: output buffer that matrix is written to; must be a writeable \(2 \times 3\) float buffer

  • source_height: \(h_s\) height of the image in pixels

  • source_width: \(w_s\) width of the image in pixels

  • target_height: \(h_t\) height of the output canvas in pixels

  • target_width: \(w_t\) width of the output canvas in pixels

  • angle: clockwise angle in degrees with image center as rotation axis

  • scale: scale factor relative to output size; 1 means fill target height or width wise depending on scale_mode and whichever is longest/shortest; larger values will crop, smaller values leave empty space in the output canvas

  • aspect: controls the aspect ratio; 1 means same as input, values greater 1 increase the width and reduce the height

  • shifty: shift the image in y direction (vertical); 0 centers the image on the output canvas; -1 means shift up as much as possible; 1 means shfit down as much as possible; the maximum distance to shift is \( max(scale \cdot h_s - h_t, h_t - scale \cdot h_s) \)

  • shiftx: same as shifty, but in x direction (horizontal)

  • sheary: controls up/down shear; for every pixel in the x direction move sheary pixels in y direction

  • shearx: same as sheary but controls left/right shear

  • hmirror: if true flip image horizontally

  • vmirror: if true flip image vertically

  • scale_mode: if WARP_SCALE_SHORTEST scale is relative to shortest side; this fills the output canvas, cropping the image if necessary; if WARP_SCALE_LONGEST scale is relative to longest side; this ensures the image is contained inside the output canvas, but leaves empty space

  • max_supersampling: upper limit for recommended supersampling

void augpy::warp_affine(CudaTensor *src, CudaTensor *dst, py::buffer matrix, CudaTensor *background, int supersampling)

Takes an image in channels-last format \( (H, W, C) \) and affine warps it into a given output tensor in channels-first format \( (C, H, W) \). Any blank canvas is filled with a background color. The warp is performed with bi-linear and supersampling.

  • src: image tensor

  • dst: target tensor

  • matrix: \(2 \times 3\) float transformation matrix, see make_affine_matrix for details

  • background: background color to fill empty canvas

  • supersampling: supersampling factor, e.g., 3 means 9 samples are taken in a \(3 \times 3\) grid