Source code for augpy.image

from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import itertools as it
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from queue import Queue

import numpy as np

from . import Decoder
from . import CudaTensor
from . import DLDataType
from . import array_to_tensor
from . import uint8
from . import float32
from . import make_transform
from . import warp_affine
from . import lighting
from . import _AUGPY_TO_NUMPY_DTYPES

[docs]class DecodeWarp(object): r""" Use :py:func:`Decoder.decode` to decode JPEG images in memory and apply :py:func:`warp_affine` into batch tensor buffers. DecodeWarp instances allocate buffers and decoders on the :ref:`py/core:current_device`. Parameters: batch_size: number of samples in a batch shape: shape of one image in the batch :math:`(C,H,W)` background: tensor with :math:`C` background color values dtype: type used for buffer tensors cpu_threads: number of parallel decoders num_buffers: number of buffers tensors decode_buffer_size: size of pre-allocated buffer for decoding; must be larger than the number of subpixels; if ``None`` a new buffer is allocated every time """ def __init__( self, batch_size: int, shape: Tuple[int, int, int], background: CudaTensor = None, dtype: DLDataType = uint8, cpu_threads: int = 1, num_buffers: int = 2, decode_buffer_size: Optional[int] = None, ): self.batch_size = batch_size self.shape = shape # create num_buffers batch buffer tensors self.buffers = [CudaTensor((batch_size,)+tuple(shape), dtype=dtype) for _ in range(num_buffers)] self._buffer_queue = Queue() for b in self.buffers: b.fill(0) self._buffer_queue.put(b) # create background tensor if background is None: background = (0,) * shape[0] self.background = array_to_tensor(np.array(background, dtype=_AUGPY_TO_NUMPY_DTYPES[dtype])) # create buffers and decoders as necessary decode_buffers = [ CudaTensor((decode_buffer_size * dtype.itemsize,), dtype=uint8) if decode_buffer_size else None for _ in range(cpu_threads) ] decoders = [Decoder() for _ in range(cpu_threads)] self._decoder_queue = Queue() for d, b in zip(decoders, decode_buffers): self._decoder_queue.put((d, b)) # thread pool for decoding self._pool = ThreadPool(cpu_threads) def _decode_warp(self, args): i, imdata, augmentation, buffer = args decoder, decode_buffer = self._decoder_queue.get() try: im = decoder.decode(imdata, decode_buffer) m, s = make_transform(im.shape[:-1], self.shape[1:], **augmentation) warp_affine(im, buffer[i], m, self.background, s) finally: self._decoder_queue.put((decoder, decode_buffer))
[docs] def __call__(self, batch: dict) -> dict: r""" Decode a list of JPEG images under the ``'image'`` key and warp them into a batch tensor with the parameters defined by a list of augmentation dicts under key ``'augmentation'``. Each set of augmentation parameters is a dict that contains values for the parameters of the :py:func:`warp_affine` function. Additional parameters are ignored. Parameters: batch: dict ``{'image': [JPEG, JPEG, ...], 'augmentation': [params, params, ...]}`` Returns: ``batch`` where ``'image'`` is replaced by a batch tensor of transformed images. """ buffer = self._buffer_queue.get() self._decode_warp, zip(range(self.batch_size), batch['image'], batch['augmentation'], it.cycle((buffer,))) ) batch['image'] = buffer return batch
[docs] def finalize_batch(self, buffer): self._buffer_queue.put(buffer)
[docs]class Lighting(object): r""" Apply the :py:func:`lighting` function to a batch of images. The batch tensor must have format :math:`(N,C,H,W)`, with batch size :math:`N`, number of channels :math:`C`, height :math:`H`, and width :math:`W`. Lighting instances allocate buffers on the :ref:`py/core:current_device`. Parameters: batch_size: number of samples in a batch channels: number of channels :math:`C` per image min_value: minimum brightness value, typically 0 for 8 bit images max_value: maximum brightness value, typically 255 for 8 bit images """ def __init__( self, batch_size: int, channels: int = 3, min_value: Union[int, float] = 0, max_value: Union[int, float] = 255 ): self.batch_size = batch_size self.channels = channels self.min_value = min_value self.max_value = max_value self._param_buffer = CudaTensor((batch_size * (channels + 2),), dtype=float32) self.gray_buffer = self._param_buffer[:batch_size] self.contrast_buffer = self._param_buffer[batch_size:batch_size+batch_size] self.color_buffer = self._param_buffer[batch_size+batch_size:]
[docs] def __call__(self, batch): r""" Apply lighting augmentation to a batch of images in a tensor under the ``'image'`` key, with parameters parameters defined by a list of augmentation dicts under key ``'augmentation'``. Modifies the image tensor in-place. Each set of augmentation parameters is a dict that contains values for the parameters of the :py:func:`lighting` function. Additional parameters are ignored. Parameters: batch: dict ``{'image': [JPEG, JPEG, ...], 'augmentation': [params, params, ...]}`` Returns: ``batch`` where ``'image'`` has been modified in-place according to given augmentation parameters. """ # copy params to GPU buffer augmentation = batch['augmentation'] params = [a.get('gamma_gray') or 1.0 for a in augmentation] \ + [a.get('contrast') or 0.0 for a in augmentation] default_color = (1,) * self.channels for a in augmentation: params.extend(a.get('gamma_color') or default_color) array_to_tensor(np.array(params, dtype=np.float32), self._param_buffer) # apply lighting to batch tensor = batch['image'] lighting( tensor, self.gray_buffer, self.color_buffer, self.contrast_buffer, self.min_value, self.max_value, tensor ) return batch